We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. – Kurt Vonnegut
Shortly after I married, I began working as an interpreter in a large, prestigious cooking school in the center of Paris. The gentleman for whom I worked had created the Anglophone section at said cooking school just four years earlier, the students working for nine months towards the French CAP diploma. Pastry, wine, sausage making, bread baking and fish/seafood classes fell into my lap, and I stood a short distance from the instructor translating his (always a he) words and instruction from French to English, students’ questions from English to French and back again went the answers.
It was a challenge in so many ways, not the least being that I was both an American and a woman in a very masculine, very French world; at that time it was still extremely rare to find a woman in the kitchen of any French cooking school or restaurant, and Americans were then considered rather boorish when it came to cuisine. Can une américaine really know anything about French gastronomy? I was under intense scrutiny; they watched how I performed, teased and questioned me, wondered how I could replace my boss and if I would hold up under the demands of the job. I felt their piercing, curious gaze each time I entered a new classroom or sat down with them at lunch during those first few weeks. (Happily, I earned both their acceptance and their respect well before I showed up heavily pregnant with my second son after one lengthy vacation.)
Aside from that double handicap, little did they realize that I had to scramble to learn all about French cooking, French cuisine and dishes, French wines; I was expected to be knowledgeable as well as understand, be familiar with cooking terms and vocabulary as an expert, both in French and in English and back again. But I also had to know French tout court; when I accepted the job my command of the French language was shaky, to put it mildly, was anything but proficient or as fluent as an interpreter should be. From day one I was expected to translate without fault, without error, and miss nothing. I was expected to be the consummate professional. And I was, at least on the outside. So I learned on my feet, quickly, feigning comprehension and expertise when inside I was all confusion and panic. I’ve really never been a very good liar but at this I was good, maybe because I loved the job so much.
And in no time at all, I had actually learned everything I needed to know and more, and my working French was fluent and effortless. I knew the kitchen and wine vocabulary, French cuisine no longer was a mystery, and my knowledge of chefs and restaurants impeccable. My inner confidence had met my outer competence.
I am now experiencing the same thing. I stepped into the job of owner and manager the day we opened the hotel for business on February 1. And not one day earlier. I prepared and served breakfast, helped with the clients, answering their questions, showing them to their rooms. I managed the cleaning team, prepared the monthly planning and schedules, answered phones and booked reservations from that first day. And at the beginning, and even still sometimes now, it was a bit of confusion and something of panic on the inside, feeling odd and out of place as if I was an imposter. And I was learning on my feet, never having done this before. But I spoke to the clients, served them breakfast and answered the phone with confidence and ease, tossing in humor for good measure when I could. Because that is what was expected of me. The owner and the boss, the consummate professional.
It’s odd to think that little more than four months have passed. Although I still panic at times (when I think that breakfast will go haywire), sometimes I am confused (ask me to check out a client or tell them how far the drive to Fontevraud Abbey is), but now I am (or so I try) all smooth confidence and ease. At least on the outside. Now the reflexes, the actions are automatic, the gests efficient. I speak with the clients with ease, walk down the halls and into the rooms like, well, the boss.
I haven’t thought about my work in culinary tourism, my work in that cooking school and the time it took me to acclimate and learn for such a long time. I laugh now at the mistakes I made translating or the fact that I kept not one but two French-English Food and Wine Dictionaries tucked inside the huge white chef’s apron I wore each day during classes, pulling one or the other out and checking, furtively, for a translation. I snicker at how terrified I was that my poor French would be found out, that a chef would say something to me and I wouldn’t know what he was saying. Or that my boss would discover that I didn’t have the know-how and qualifications necessary when he hired me. (I will say how thrilled I was to overhear my boss tell a client over the telephone that I had more knowledge about French cuisine than almost anyone he knew!)
There was no training course, no manual, no preparation sessions easing me into that long ago job. I had to be an interpreter from the first moment I stepped into that school, a guide the first time I brought a small group into a Michelin-starred kitchen to meet and cook with the chef. Like the first time a client ordered a hat when I hung up my shingle as a professional milliner, like the first time a magazine editor accepted a pitch for a story idea, I find myself having to step up to the plate, no questions allowed. I slipped into this job as hotelkeeper having to just do it from day one and I had to be ready. It’s all about improvisation and determination.
A wonderful couple came to the hotel, stayed for a few days, two adorable, personable children in tow, he seven, she eleven. The kids decided to make a short film about the hotel, taking video on their mom’s ipad. They came to me and Jean-Pierre, wanting to interview us. “What’s it like living in France?” they asked. “What’s it like running a hotel?” I had to very quickly lasso my emotions and come up with an answer, short, concise and positive. Another client, an American who, with her husband had also stayed for a few days and, being a fellow Floridian, we spent quite a bit of time talking, our conversations peppered with questions about my ending up in Chinon, running a hotel. As I walked her out to her car to see the two off at the end of their stay she said “You don’t know how lucky you are! What an exciting adventure! What a beautiful place!” My doubts melted away to be replaced by contentment and, really for the first time, I felt like I had made the right decision and found my place.
To succeed, planning alone is insufficient. One must improvise as well. – Isaac Asimov, Foundation
June 17, 2015
Beautifully written, my friend. Can’t wait to come and see you 🙂
June 17, 2015
Lovely and inspirational piece! I truly enjoyed reading it! Wish you the best!
June 17, 2015
Wonderful post Jamie. You and your lovely husband do it all with grace and style. I so enjoyed my time there.
June 17, 2015
Super post. Knowing how to learn on your own is such a great gift, isn’t it?
June 17, 2015
You are an inspiration, truly. Doing the footwork, pushing forward, making it happen, all while giving and supporting. Look forward to a visit before the end of the year!
June 17, 2015
I love this so much, Jamie. 🙂 Thank you for sharing more of your history, your adventures and brave choices that have led to this place and will continue to lead you. Wishing you so much joy and peace in your new life. 🙂
June 18, 2015
You said it much more eloquently but still the old adage, ‘Fake It til you Make It’ rings true. So good to hear you are settling in, feeling more comfortable and realizing your passion. So happy for you!
June 18, 2015
Beautiful piece. You succeed at everything you do and this is no exception!
June 18, 2015
You know, Jamie, I believe you could do anything you want to do. You are so flipping talented and modest with it too. Being flexible to push yourself to new heights must be terrifying but you manage to do it all with such charm and ease. I can’t wait to visit this summer, even if it’s far too short. I was doing my homework to come to Chinon and you have certainly become a hit also with the French. Looking at all the wonderful comments on TripAdvisor, for example, from even the Parisians… you and Jean-Pierre are an incredible team. Chapeau to you, my friend!
June 18, 2015
I second what Jill said (except for the visiting part. For now, anyway)! Love you so much, and I’m so happy for you!
June 22, 2015
“My inner confidence had met my outer competence.” Perfect in every way, Jamie. The images of you and JP going about the business of being hoteliers is as charming as the hospitality your guests seemingly enjoy. Cheers!
June 28, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
I am looking forward to meeting you and Jean Pierre. In July my daughter Stacy Rushton and I will be staying at your hotel. I was born and raised in New Iberia, Louisiana, French Cajun land. Unfortunately I am ashamed to say I cannot speak French. Jean Pierre have some name resemblances, my name is “Jean”, my maiden name is “Gautreaux”. The “eaux” must count for something, Ha!
Looking forward to our stay at Hotel Diderot.
July 17, 2015
Oh Jamie, I landed on this page today, after several challenging recipe development baking efforts, and it was exactly what I needed to hear. You have always been an inspiration, living an almost unbelievable experience as an ex-pat in France, not only surviving but excelling at everything you attempt. To hear your beautiful words express that which we all must learn and sometimes be reminded of, really helped ease my frustration. I always must remember that I have conquered gluten-free baking many times before and this too will be a winner. With renewed confidence that I do know what I am doing and with only a few tweaks the recipes will work, I will head back into the kitchen and try again!
July 20, 2015
I’m so glad you’re loving your new adventure!
July 20, 2015
You are living the life you are meant to have. Each stage, each transition has brought you to this place and time. I am so grateful to know and follow you as the adventure continues to unfold. The book soon!