Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. - Sam Keen Sunday, August 2011. Summer has finally swept over us like a warm blanket. Waking earlier than usual, our sleep disturbed by a tumult of angst, a jumble of confusion, we felt the sun squeeze through the slats of the shutters and reach towards the bed, chasing ...
Fruited Summer Orange Dessert Salad with Orange Marmalade Cream
An orange day, a happy day, a brand-new day in the secret language that only the three of us seemed to understand. "Mmmmm," Daddy said, taking a bite of his roll. "Orange wakes you up(...) cinnamon makes you remember. - Judith M. Fertig, The Cake Therapist Hurrah! Late varieties of oranges mean that citrus season isn't ...
The Best Nectarine and Cherry Crumble
Pastry, Petitions, and Politics Part III I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. - Thomas Jefferson Summer arrives in Chinon on the first wave of tourists; bicycles clog the courtyard; buses disgorge bedraggled groups weary from travel yet pleased to be in such a charming ...
Vanilla Custard Berry Tart for Mother’s Day
My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg It was just 3 or 4 days shy of my ninth birthday. I had dreamed of owning a big bike, begged to change my little kid’s small bicycle for an adult-sized beauty, just ...
Individual Berry Mascarpone Cheesecakes for Passover (Gluten-free)
Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly. - M.F.K. Fisher Celebrating any religious holiday in a mixed-religion home is often a delicate matter depending on how devout and observant each partner is or the decisions made on which religion the children shall be raised in. Notwithstanding ...